Veteran Affairs
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Purchase Loan/Native American Direct Loan/Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan
The seller must pay these closing costs (sometimes called seller’s concessions):
- Commission for real estate professionals
- Brokerage fee
- Buyer broker fee
- Termite report (unless you’re using a refinancing loan)
You (the buyer) or the seller can negotiate who will pay other closing costs such as these:
- VA funding fee (be sure to inquire of the VA web site listed above for this rate, since fee can run as high as 3.3% depending on status).
- Loan origination fee
- Loan discount points or funds for temporary “buydowns”
- Credit report and payment of any credit balances or judgments
- VA appraisal fee
- Hazard insurance and real estate taxes
- State and local taxes
- Title insurance
- Recording fee
If you have full entitlement, you don’t have a home loan limit
Eligible Veterans, service members, and survivors with full entitlement no longer have limits on loans over $144,000. This means you won’t have to pay a down payment, and the VA guarantee to your lender that if you default on a loan that’s over $144,000, they will pay them up to 25% of the loan amount.